Battling worry in your life


What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? Was is what you were dreaming about, or was it about what you had to do today? When you got up, were you burdened by anything or was your mind and heart free and at rest? Is anything in your life weighing you down? If so, I’d like to encourage you today…..

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious (do not worry) about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Read Matthew 6 today, it speaks a lot about worry (how and why not to), and verse 34 wraps it up; So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

An exercise that may help you the way it did me; Write on a piece of paper or type out on a computer all that’s on your mind until there’s nothing left to write. (Write down your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your concerns, your relationships, what you care about and what your immediate goals and plans are.) When you’re finished, metaphorically and symbolically submit those things to God. Acknowledge it, submit it, pray over it, then surrender it! Put this paper away somewhere without looking at it for a long while. The idea is while you’re acknowledging it, your committing yourself not to dwell on it, so that it doesn’t any longer consume your life and so you can press forward to what lies ahead, without letting the past or your present prevent you from experiencing your best life today.

What is preventing you from having peace and joy today? What has to happen before you get it? Are the things you want/need to happen in your control, or not? If it is, then make necessary efforts, if not then consider this: Work on your things like it depends on you, and pray about them like it depends on HIM. This marriage in relationship with The Father will work together for good, and you will see his power displayed in your circumstances when you approach him this way and wait expectantly for him to show up. When you do your part, he will do his part. What does the LORD require of you today?
