A Call to Remember and Obey


I was reminded again this morning during some quiet and prayer time with God, thinking about my life and asking HIM if there’s anything he wanted me to do. Funny how hard it is for me to slow down sometimes enough for me to hear a word from him, and like the word of God says, “search for him with a whole heart and he will be found by you.” I’ve had a word from him over the past few weeks that I need to “start and finish” each day with him. I dialogue with my Heavenly Father throughout the day, talking with him; but to spend some quiet time reflecting, thinking, and waiting to hear from him has been more difficult lately.

So today, before the kids went off to school, I sat down with each of them and read the bible to them and prayed with them. My 9 year-old son turned to me after and said “daddy, I want to spend more time with you!”…, I said to him, “me too son…” It was a good 10 minutes of just father son time and I took him to school feeling like he had a great chance to have a great day.

Minutes later when I got back home, I sat down with my daughter before taking her to school and said I wanted to read the bible and pray with her. After a few minutes her eyes began to water and she wanted to leave, saying she needed to fix her contacts. There was nothing wrong with her eyes, and evidently she was touched that we were spending some precious time together in that way. It was a very special morning that reminded me of life’s most precious things; each other.

If there are special people in your life, tell them today you love them. Make your relationships count, every second of every day. Life is always challenging and there’s so many “busy” things that can come between our relationship with God and his son Jesus. Begin everything you do with Jesus and be full, then give it away to others and be used by God for HIS purposes. With this, you will automatically receive your heart’s desires. The living word says so when it says to seek first the kingdom of God and ALL shall be added unto us.

If God is putting someone or something on your heart, don’t ignore it, that’s a chance for him to show up in your life.., a chance you will experience the living God. Remember that the presence of God changes everything. Blind faith and obedience to his call on your life with the small things and the big things will produce blessing of fruit in your life. I pray this encourages you today. God bless…….
