Get filled today by the power in God’s Word


I left the house yesterday for a run outside. When I left, I was fine, full of energy and ready to tackle my run. It was 99 degrees outside but no matter, I could handle it. About half way through I was getting a little more fatigue than normal and thought to myself how much has changed (the way I was feeling) in such a short time. I was tired and not feeling full of energy like I had when I had left the house.

The thought came to me that this is like “life”…, we can be full of vigor, energy, and confidence and we leave our houses to conquer life only to run so fast and so far, that we end up in situations and circumstances that sap our energy and rob us of our peace, joy, and security. I thought to myself I needed water when I get back home and also how God’s living water through the reading of his words is the true replenishment of my life.

With what and how do you replenish your life?

If you’re in need of being replenished, take up the sword of the spirit (your bible) and get full of the word of God.. His words will penetrate your heart and mind and will show in mighty and powerful ways. Besides HIS Holy Spirit, he left us His Word so we can know him and be in constant communion with him as we live out our lives for his purposes and glory.

Just a good reminder of how a daily walk with Jesus, includes getting to know him more. One of the ways we can do this is to read our bible with intent to get a special word from the LORD.

What is his word for you and me at this time? I can’t wait for us to find out… be encouraged friends. Oh how he loves us!
