THE Greatest New Beginning of All Time


It’s 2012 and we can hardly believe it. As time continues forward, for some it’s going too fast and for others it cannot go fast enough. Whatever circumstance you find your life in today, consider this question?

 “For all the years we’ve been alive, has any New Year’s resolution positively and/or permanently changed our life? Has anyone or anything ever permanently changed our life for the better?”

If you are someone who has been continually let down by the result of your life against your expectation for it, what I wanted to share with you today is that the greatest new beginning of all time starts with Jesus and The Cross. Only there, will you find the new beginning your looking for.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

Wherever you find yourself today; be encouraged!

  • You are doing better than you think you are!
  • You matter more to God than you think you do!
  • You make a difference more than you think you do!
  • You impact your world more than you think you do!

Want a lasting new beginning this time? In action and heart-condition make Jesus the LORD of your life this year and submit your plans to him. Allow him to direct your thoughts and obey what he puts on your heart and mind. He will show up in real and tangible ways and you will see him as I do today, as dad, as Heavenly Father, and as the one we can go to every day for the rest of our lives.

Isaiah 43:19 “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?”

I hope and pray that you are blessed in 2012 and that God does a new a great work in your life. Keep the faith, never give up, continue hoping in HIM, and at the right time, HE will show up and make himself known to you.

  • If you’re a believer, give yourself more fully to HIM
  • If you’re not sure about God, give his son Jesus a try–you have nothing to lose

May God bless you and keep you safe!

